Monthly archives: July 2020

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the British Consulate-General Chongqing, the most significant British Festival will be held in Southwest China from mid-September to October 2020, and partnership opportunities are now available! 为庆祝英国驻重庆总领事馆成⽴20周年纪念,英领馆将于2020年9⽉中旬到10⽉在中国⻄南地区盛⼤举⾏的英国嘉年华活动,现有合作机会开放。 WHY JOIN THE BRITISH FESTIVAL 为什么加入英国嘉年华 Review The British Festival 2017 2017年英国嘉年华 2 Months 两个月 4 provinces & municipality 4个省市 37 […]

British Festival 2020 Partnership Opportunities

英商会会员 – 成都墨尔文学校暑期校园开放日 📅 7月25日⏰ 9:30至12:30 届时,墨尔文新任中学部校长将首次亮相中学部开放日,另有2020年最新出炉的“成都墨尔文奖学金计划”。激励奖学金政策旨在为优秀的学生提供更好的学习平台和机会,据悉发放的最高力度是“全奖”! 2020年高考、中考在这相当不平凡的一年暂时落下帷幕。莘莘学子们奋力拼搏,只为高考、中考一举夺魁。然而,新冠疫情笼罩下的2020年注定是极其特殊的的年份。有太多的突发事件让我们都开始思考,原来固有的生活轨道,或者习以为常的认知是否已经因为这场疫情加速了演变,变得让人看不清前方的道路如何行走。大至国际关系,小至你我的求学之路。 作为国际化教育的先行者,成都新津墨尔文学校(以下统称为:成都墨尔文)始终认为“教育,应该回归初心”,教育不是给孩子们划出一个圈,告诉他们在这个圈里他们是准备好了的,而是点燃他们心中的火花,让他们找到自己的路,在路上成为照亮世界的人,成为给世界带来积极改变的人。 成都墨尔文暑期开放日   7月25日9:30至12:30,成都墨尔文新任中学部校长将首次亮相中学部开放日。而开放日的地址便是大家翘首以盼的成都墨尔文新校园。 专以学术著称的全球名校长+殿堂级校园全新亮相  成都墨尔文学校中学部校长教育领导与管理硕士学位历史文学学士学位以及历史和体育教育专业研究生证书威尔士皇家教育和培训检查局埃斯廷的同行检查员拥有超过24年的教学经验担任资深A-Level考官长达15年曾担任学习与教学战略顾问,协助 400 所学校提高教学质量 安德里亚·梅校长致力于将成都墨尔文的全球化教育与教学提升到更高台阶的信心而来。正如她的教育口号:“相信自己能做到,你就已经成功了一半”。 安德里亚·梅校长说: “在成都墨尔文,我想打造一个学习型组织,让整个学校的所有成员都能出类拔萃,成为最好的自己。我将支持学生在学业上力争上游,实现自己的梦想和抱负。我将支持教师在日常教学中追求卓越,将最新的研究成果融入教学中。” 2020年成都墨尔文奖学金激励政策即将首发  除了新任校长亲临开放日现场之外,还有一个非常重要的举措即将公布,那就是2020年最新出炉的“成都墨尔文奖学金计划“。奖学金的设立旨在为优秀的学生提供更好的学习平台和机会,据了解,今年奖学金发放的最高力度则是”全奖“。具体计划,我们将在之后详细与大家分享。 如需参与本次开放日活动,请致电招生咨询老师,名额有限,敬请提前预约! 新校园先睹为快! 招生咨询电话 小茹老师:17311392829陈老师:18202899847杨琴老师:13541339861杨老师:18848282512刘老师:18244263218冯老师:18113179493

会员资讯 | 成都墨尔文学校暑期开放日

About H·T·D H·T·D International Education Group originated in the UK and integrates British high-quality education with an international philosophy of education and Chinese culture to build premiun international early years education organisations. H·T·D (UK) plays a central role in education management, works in partnership with many British education organisations, introduces […]

Member Spotlight | H·T·D International Education Group

The British Chamber of China, in partnership with the Department for International Trade, is hosting a webinar next Thursday, on 29th of July, on ‘Investing in UK Education‘.  Hear from the government, consultancies, investment companies, start-ups and education companies to find out more about the UK education sector, and more importantly, […]

Interested in investing in UK Education? 有兴趣投资英国教育?

The British Business Awards are a unique showcase for outstanding UK business in China and Chinese business with UK links. The awards are held biennially and have the full support of Department for International Trade (DIT), The British Council, China-Britain Business Council (CBBC), Confederation of British Industry (CBI), and British Chambers in […]

Tips for an Award Winning Application

课程背景 | Background 为适应变化不断加速的未来,企业要能够快速决策和反应,要有高度的灵活性,并能够有序地应对变化,快速实现资源 的优化配置。《领导高绩效团队》就是要顺应未来的变化,依据员工的不同发展阶段因势利导,从领导艺术的角度来实 现人力资源的最优配置和最大效用。In order to adapt to the accelerated change in the future, enterprises have a high degree of flexibility and be able to make rapid decisions and responses, be able to respond to changes and quickly realize the optimal allocation of resources. “Leading high performance team” […]

Member’s Promotion | Eddic – iLead 领导高绩效团队

BritCham would like to congratulate Léman IB students for achieving high results on their tests. Well done! [July 10th 2020] — Students, teachers, parents and school community members at Léman International School Chengdu, are celebrating today thanks to students achieving exceptional results in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme for the […]

Member’s Promotion | Outstanding IB Results at Léman Showcase the ...

Established in 2008 and now in its twelfth year, the biennial British Business Awards (BBA) recognises and promotes excellence in innovation, enterprise, and endeavour. The Awards are a fantastic opportunity for British businesses and Chinese businesses with UK links to share your great success stories.  Consisting of ten categories in 2020, the Awards showcase a […]

How to Apply: The British Business Awards 2020

In the first two weeks of this August, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and the Municipal Government of Chongqing will hold four days of events marking the launch of the “Chongqing, Consumer City” project, based mainly in and around Jiefangbei. This huge national government-led project aims to transform Chongqing into […]

Chongqing International Consumer City – UK and Ireland “shop window” ...