
The Chamber manages 50+ events each year, offering gainful opportunities to network with like-minded business people. Members are able to attend events at either complimentary or preferential rates. Our Focus Groups are targeting specific sectors and drive the majority of our events.

Building Female Leaders Workshop Series Vol.2 – Succeeding in a Cross Cultural Workplace @ The Salmonist Coworking
Jun 20 @ 19:30 – 21:30

We are excited to announce the second workshop of the 2018 Building Female Leaders Workshop series – which contains 4 volumes, focused on building skills and connections to help more women access leadership roles in the global workplace!

我们很高兴地宣布—— 2018塑造女性领导者工作坊系列第二部分已经启动。本期包含4期,主要侧重点在塑造技能和简历联系,旨在帮助更多的女性在全球工作场所中担任领导角色!

Living and working globally is the new norm for increasingly growing number of professionals.  It’s an exciting space where cultures, values, and social norms mix and also collide.  What’s most exciting is at a fundamental level we know there are more benefits to expanding our understanding of the world than if we were to stay stagnant. 


According to PwC (Pricewaterhouse Coopers) latest analysis, 

71% of female millennials want to work outside their home country during their career, but only 20% of the current internationally mobile population are women. 

据普永道(Pricewaterhouse Coopers)最新分析示,71%的女性新千禧一代有意在国外工作,但目前只有20%的国人口是女性。


We want to focus our upcoming workshop on the fast-changing workforce demographics.  Our workforce is diversifying in all layers of socio-economic segments.  As professionals, we need to better equip ourselves with awareness and tools to navigate and succeed in an increasingly more cross-cultural work environments. 

接下来的工作坊我们希望聚焦于快速变化的工作人口统计。 我们的员工队伍多元,且遍及各个社会经济阶层。 作为专业人士,我们需要更好地用意识和工具武装自己,以在日益增加的跨文化工作环境中前进并取得成功。

Let’s unpack and delve into the complex layers of misunderstandings, different norms, and different problem-solving methods from our current workplace, and get closer to better understanding our differences.   Our goal is to re-examine cross-cultural boundaries and to see them as assets and opportunities in our workplace.  

让我们从目前的工作场所中畅所欲并在更深的层面探讨所造成的误解、规范和解决问题方式的差异,进而更好地并了解彼此的不同。 我们的目标是重新审视跨文化的界限,并将其视为我们工作中的资产和机会。

Alice Zhou of IBM as Greater China Facilities Sourcing Lead and the founder of  China Procurement Professional Association Chengdu Chapter Leader with Cross-Cultural Solutions will be our guest facilitator fully-equipped with her 9+ years of experience working and rocking in a Fortune 500 global company.  

周俊现在IBM工作,担任大中华区设施采购负责人,也是睿采采购经理人联合会成都会长,提供跨文化解决方案 https://www.crossculturalsolut… 拥有超过9年在财富500强全球公司工作经验,使周俊成为我们客座主持人的不二人选。

In her personal capacity, she focuses on building communities all over China for young students in tech by founding TeenTechChina a chapter of TeenTechSF GLOBAL which is a global tech community for teens. She also serves as regional ambassador for Technovation which is a global platform to encourage teen girls to get engaged in tech and innovate.  


She will guide us in dissecting cross cultural communication within the global workplace, how to incorporate cultural awareness as a professional competency and as a learnable trait, and how to grow into a sought after leader in the global economy. 



Pitch YOUR idea at Volume 2:

What’s more exciting is this time we will be adding a new segment to our workshop by turning the mic over to YOU.  During each workshop, we will set aside time for three women to pitch their business and project ideas, goals, and needs to the entire audience in just 2 minutes.  It’s about building empires, right?

更令人激动的是,我们此次会在工作坊增加一个新的部分,也就是把麦克风交到你。 每次工作坊,我们都会为三位女性预留时间进一步拓展自己的业务,并向全体观众展示其项目的想法,目标和需求。 这将关乎一个帝国的建立,同意吗?

If you are currently building a business and want to practice your public speaking skills, find partners, and connect with much needed resources, please apply by contacting the organizing team (WeChat: hyobinsung) 


  • You must RSVP to attend the current workshop 需要接受并出席现有的工作坊活动
  • Please provide details about the project you would like to present and short application 需要提供完整的简历和简短的申请


As always, come join other women who are moving and embarking on their own ideas, inspire and get inspired, and connect with other creative professionals!  


About the Chengdu Women in Business Network:

Last year the CWIB Network held the Women in Action Workshop series – with 4 volumes, with assessments such as the Johari Window, Emotional Intelligence and Unconscious Mistakes Women Make in Business. This saw the network grow to over 300 international and local female entrepreneurs, business owners, civil servants, and professionals from a diverse range of industries. 


去年,CWIB网络举办了Women in Action Workshop系列活动 – 共有4期,内容包括乔哈里咨询窗,情商和女性在生意中所犯的无意识错误。这些活动使该网络发展壮大,成员包括超过300名国际和本地女性企业家、企业主、公务员和来自各行各业的专业人士。

The network primarily organizes series of professional workshops and networking with the aim of building a sustainable global network of leaders in business, doers, and provide vertical and horizontal mentorship. 


 To read more about this event click here