
On 19th June 2018, the British Chamber of Commerce Southwest China organised an event to brief new interns from the UK about the etiquette and an analysis of doing business in China. This was an event in collaboration with InternChina in order to help the new interns, sponsored by the […]

Event Review | China Business Briefing (19/06)

On Thursday 19th of April, the British Chamber of Commerce Southwest China organised the third Career Insights Day for Students. The aim of this event was to introduce different academic opportunities available for high school students, to talk about an international learning environment, to give the students insight into various […]

Event Review: Career Insights Day (19/04)

问: 外国人为什么要选择住在中国家庭? 1.真正体验中国生活,了解中国、体验中国文化 2.学习、练习汉语 3.喜欢中国饭菜 4.结交中国朋友 问:中国家庭为什么要接收外国大学生寄宿? 1.家长或孩子可以每天和外国人用外语交流(英语、德语、法语等)低成本拥有纯正语言环境,快速提高外语水平 2.交流中了解外国风土人情,外国礼仪、文化,想出国的家庭成员的“预先培训” 3.打算出国留学的家庭成员从寄宿的外国朋友那里了解外国大学基本情况,为选学校、专业、城市提供参考 4.结交外国朋友 5.一些家长孩子在国外,自己找人做伴 6.先后接收多个国家的外国朋友,了解世界,让世界了解中国 问:对寄宿家庭有什么要求吗? 家庭的基本要求: 1.为外国学生准备一个独立的房间 2.允许外国学生和家人一起用早、晚餐(周一至周五),早、中、晚餐(周六、日) 3.供外国学生使用的厕所为西式测试(马桶) 4.在主城区内,地铁和公交能直达最好 5.家庭成员最好能有一位能用英语进行沟通基本 问:来到这边的学生是来做什么的呢? 1.来到这边的学生大多为欧洲的大学生,有在校的或者毕业的名校学生,他们喜爱中国文化,或者本科学习的跟中国有关的专业,所以选择来到中国实习。 问:关于寄宿时长和补贴 接待时间:全年都有 寄宿时长:2周-4个月。 补贴:1300/月

InternChina: Looking for Host Families

On Tuesday 25th of July The British Chamber of Commerce Southwest China hosted a Panel Discussion about Chinese Law with Projects Abroad for a  group of secondary school students who are very interested in Chinese law. The event was held in the boardroom of the British Business Centre in Chengdu. Jenny […]

Projects Abroad: Insight into Chinese Law